Teslain Kid logger (v. 1.0 with source code). Log your kid activity on the computer. Designed for Home users to keep watch on kids (2-7 years) activity. For Windows 95/98/Me/NT/Xp/2000/2003. This software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. The program is open source and contain source code. Here's you learn on: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. USAGE GUIDE / REMOVAL GUIDE 3. TIPS 4. IMPORTANT NOTICE 5. SOURCE CODE 6. CONTACTS *************************************************************** INTRODUCTION *************************************************************** This program save history about your PC usage by your kids. It can store log about: websites visited; chat rooms talks; ICQ\AOL\Miranda\MSN Messager sessions; Applications\games started; Opened pictures, documents and movies; It also makes screen captures; So you can easily watch your kid activity. *************************************************************** USAGE GUIDE *************************************************************** 1. After Installed you should log into Windows under your kid account. (Or stay your session if you haven't). 2. Run Kid logger Control panel. At this moment logger will be enabled and starts to log. 3. Close Control panel. Thats all, now you can left your PC for kids. Next time to browse for logged data: 1. Run "Kid logger" Control panel. 2. click "View log files" button. on the opened File Browser go to the user folder (i.e. "John") There will be some html and bmp files according to date. You can open it. KidLogger REMOVAL GUIDE In order to uninstall KidLogger from your computer: 1. Click "Start" 2. Select "Programs" -> "Kidlogger" -> "Uninstall ..." 3. Open Explorer and goto folder: "C:\Program Files\Teslain KidLogger\" 4. Delete this folder. Thats All. *************************************************************** TIPS *************************************************************** To disable screen capture feature: - Click "View log files" button and then rename or delete "snap.bat" ("snap.bat" to "_snap.bat") To hide KidLogger from system: - Disable logger (click "stop" in Control Panel ) - Delete entries in Start menu. - Delete Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Uninstall\Teslain KidLogger_is1 - move folder "c:\program files\KidLogger" into another folder and run logger again. Using anti-KeyLogger features: - In order to prevent any software to capture your email password, entry keystrokes or Windows password you can use Rohos Welcome (http://www.rohos.com/welcome-screen/). It allows you to store and auto-fill your Windows password (and others passwords) by using USB flash drive. *************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTICE *************************************************************** This programm to not containt spyware/adware modules. This is simple key logger that do not protect himself from being deleted by user. *************************************************************** SOURCE CODE *************************************************************** Program package contain "Teslain KidLogger.zip" that is installed into KidLogger folder. This is VisualC++ 6.0 project files. This is provided to proof that this programm do not contain any spyware-adware-trojans code. *************************************************************** CONTACT: *************************************************************** Web site: http://www.rohos.com/kid-logger/ email: info@rohos.com